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What are common reasons for SSD denial?

| Jul 14, 2020 | Firm News |

Your recent injury left you unable to work, but that does not stop bills from coming in. You may qualify for Social Security Disability, but you know how hard it can be to receive approval.

Before submitting your application, read on for some of the most common reasons for SSD denials.

Waiting too long to apply 

While you may, understandably, want to wait to see whether your condition worsens or improves, apply for SSD sooner rather than later. By waiting too long, you risk your medical information and records falling “out of season.” The Social Security Administration wants your latest medical information when determining whether you qualify for benefits. Outdated information increases your chances of receiving a denial.

Not having a disability that lasts at least 12 months

Just as you can wait too long to apply, you may apply too early. What that means is that your condition must last 12 months or more for you to qualify for disability. The SSA has its own definition of disability, which includes a mental or physical condition expect to continuously last for 12 months.

Failing to offer sufficient medical evidence

When you apply for disability benefits, it is better to submit more medical information than you think you may need. It is entirely up to you to prove that you qualify for benefits, which means you need thorough medical documentation demonstrating the extent of your injury, how it prevents you from working and how it impacts your day-to-day life.

Not following recommended treatment plan 

Doctors, pharmacists, physical therapists and other medical professionals working with you may have specific treatment plans or medical orders to help improve your condition. If you do not stick to the treatment plan, you may impede your recovery, and you may disqualify yourself for benefits approval. This is because when assessing your application, the SSA does not know if your current condition stems from the injury or from not following your treatment plan.

Qualifying for SSD benefits is difficult, but it is not impossible. Even if the SSA does not approve your first application, you may appeal the decision. However, avoiding these mistakes may make the appeal process unnecessary.